Thursday, March 27, 2008

Dr. appointments galore! Mama and Munchkin update

After Mika's dr appointment, we went to see my Certified Nurse Midwife, Sharon. I was hoping she'd give me an ultrasound. But we got the second best thing - we got to hear the heartbeat on a doppler!! I was totally shocked! Munchkin is only 8weeks, 5days old and we were able to hear his/her heartbeat!! Normally you can't until between 10-14 weeks along. It was nice and strong, and such a beautiful sound! I was so excited I almost forgot the other things I wanted to ask Sharon, lol!! Our next appointment is in 4 weeks.

Then we went to the chiropractor and I got adjusted. Being up all night with poor li'l Mika this week has left me all out of wack! But I feel much better now. Unfortunately Zarik, who had to work, caught Mika's cold, so he's not feeling all that great.

Here are pics of Zarik and on a nice January hike with my mom

See the little baby head sticking out of the wrap?

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