Wow! It's almost been a month since I last posted! Bad me! I'll try to update most everything, so this may end up kinda long.
I'll start with Mika. Her rash has been completely healed! Praise God! We took the pediatrition's advice of just using plain ol' vaseline on it, and it worked. Who woulda thunk? I also had a Physical Therepy evaluation done on her through Early Intervention just to see what they thought about her being pigeon toed. Basically, because of being pigeon toed, she is a little behind developmentally, but not enough that PT is a must for us. So when we see the orthapedic next month we are most likely getting special shoes for her, and we'll ask the Dr what she thinks about PT.
On to Urijah. Sigh. The problem here is actually more me than him, but it doesn't make it any easier. Basically, my milk supply is a bit low. Which means Ri Ri isn't gaining weight. Not good for a bitty baby. So I am now taking feenugreek, drinking Mother's Milk Tea, pumping a LOT and suplementing Urijah after each feeding. Not fun. But nessesary. And now that he's full, he's my happy baby again! (He'd been getting really grumpy since he was so hungry)
Now for Zarik: He actually got a line this month!! (for those who don't know airline "speak", that means he actually got a schedual where he has to go to work) He's been on reserve (or on call, if you will) for over a year now, so this is huge. However, his schedual looks like this this month:
2 days off, 6 days on
3 days off, 4 days on
3 days off, 6 days on
3 days off, 2 days on
2 days off
That's 13 days off, and 18 days on. And by on I mean he is not home at all (except for maybe 8 hours at night, one of those nights)
We've already gone through the first 6 day stretch and it was hard. But God is good and we got through it with a lot of hard work and a little separation anxiety (on all our parts, lol)
Ok, I guess it's my turn now. As I posted about last month, I have started my own Pampered Chef business (again). God is totally blessing it! I will be closing my second show tomorrow and I got enough commissionable sales with just these two shows to qualify! (Meaning I'm a real consultant now and will have a website and other benefits) However, between that, taking over church nursery, no husband 18 days this month, and a 4 month old and 19 month old, I am definately tired. God is definately teaching me that my only means of survival is to trust in Him and the only way any of my endevers are going to succeed is because of Him. But He is definately faithful.
So now to close with the words of Tiny Tim:
"God Bless us, every one."
1 week ago
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