So. Today was Mika's 18 month checkup.
Let me preface this by saying that we woke up today, immediately got dressed and hopped in the car by 9am so that we could drive down to Focus on the Family for an all MOPS playdate. We had a blast! We were having so much fun I dragged leaving for the appointment, so we ended up 5 minutes late.
At this point both kids are now asleep in the backseat. I sit for a second looking at them through the rearview mirror, and the kid's monkey mirrors, wishing I didn't have to wake them up. I notice that Urijah needs his snuzzler replaced with our strap bears for more support 'cause his head is at a very odd angle.
So I fix Urijah's head, get the carseat out (with him still sleeping) then wake Mika up and haul them, and the diaper bag, into the Dr's office. Urijah immediately wakes up. I put Mika down and she runs for the toys. I then deal with one $15 past-due co-pay, today's $15 co-pay, call Zarik for Mika's insurance member # (since he has her card because he picked up her prescription last week), give them Urijah's card to copy, write her card # down, and try to start filling out all the paperwork. Before I even get her name on it all, we are called back.
As soon as we get to the room, Urijah starts crying. The nurse kindly looks after him while I strip Mika for her weight and height. After that's all done I take Urijah out of his carseat and try to fill out the paperwork again. The Dr comes right in and starts talking while I finish up the stuff pertinent to the appointment.
Height - 31" (30%)
Weight - 23 lbs 1.5 oz (30%)
Head - 46.5 cm (48%)
Shots - DTaP
Speech - Dr was amazed she says more than one or two two-syllable words (said bubbles and backpack just today!)
Milk - Whole until 2 years old
Diaper Rash - Ahhhhh. Here is were things get interesting:
The terminology she used is that Mika is allergic to diapers. ALL TYPES OF DIAPERS. Cloth included.
Basically, she gets yeast rashes. Then because of the dark, damp, constantly-on, always-rubbing-against-her-bottom environment it turns scabby and stays that way. Basically, this is not fully going away until she's potty trained. We are trying an antifungal mixed with Desitin right now per the dermatologist, and the dr wants us to try plain vasaline and cortaid for a few days instead and see if that helps the scabbing now that the yeast is gone (for now).
So, after all that I put Urijah in his carseat so I can get Mika dressed and hold her for her shot. He starts screaming. We're finally ready to go so we go to the waiting room to make our next appointment (2 years old) and so I can fill out the insurance paperwork. Urijah is screaming the whole time. I really hope they can read my handwriting.
And hear.
We finally get to the car and both kids immediately fall asleep.
Ah, Bliss.
6 days ago